Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

As I was looking for a possible photo to put on here to wish everyone a Happy New Year, I realized it had been a while since I took a New Year's photo. Oh well, the sentiment remains...


Down on the farm, there is no telling what Grandpa will have your kids riding...

They were riding around like cargo...

They were seen "mowing" the lawn...

They were even seen cruising on the tractor...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Heading Home

We have been lucky enough to get to go see both sides of our extended family during the last few Christmas breaks. We all have a great time while we're there and we're all sad to leave. That said, Amelia takes leaving so badly that it almost negates a great trip. She just can't help it. She loves her grandparents, aunts, and uncles so much that Meggan and I got to see the sad little face below throughout the rides home from both Atlanta and south Georgia in the last week or so.....

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Not Long Ago

I was looking through some photos today and I came across a few of Amelia on the farm when she was Everett's age. It is almost inconceivable to me that these were taken almost 3 years ago. Where did my little baby girl go???

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gone Again

We are on the road again for Christmas part 3. While making any long drive with little ones isn't fun, you can see (well, where the lighting isn't blinding you) we try to have a pretty good time when we stop...and Everett was doing a great job of it...

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Here is our video from Christmas morning. As expected, Amelia was very excited. Not as expected, Everett wouldn't come down the last few stairs. Totally unexpected, once he saw his new dinosaur slippers, he got so excited he literally fell down the stairs.

Disclaimer: No Everetts were harmed during the filming of this video.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Glass Slipper

After we finally wrestled Everett's new boots off his feet, did he?

a) Thoroughly disagree with this shoe thievery
b) Commit shoe thievery of his own from his sister's doll
c) Attempt to wedge a doll shoe onto his own foot
d) All of the above

If you guessed D, you fully comprehend Everett's weird obsession with shoes...

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Amelia has been cracking me up again with her constant chatter. This time, it was her over the top dramatic tone that got me...

After visiting with family and opening a few presents, I asked her which gift was her favorite. Her response was (after naming basically everything she got) "ohhh, I just love all the presents sooo much I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank everyone enough"

Later, as she and I were snuggling on the couch, she said "I'm about to start crying". I asked her what in the world was wrong and she replied..." I just can't stop thinking about how cute I was as a baby"

Friday, December 20, 2013


While he can usually be found sporting Superman pajamas or monkey cop t-shirts, occasionally Everett pulls together a sharp looking outfit..

Walking through the halls of church ...

Handling a little business on his IPad...

Thursday, December 19, 2013


As I've said on here before, when it comes to remembering words to songs, I am completely and utterly inept. In fact, I might literally be the worst person in the world at it. However, Amelia has a great ability to pick up song lyrics.  The other day, she was singing Katy Perry's "Roar" like she wrote it. She can also do a mean a capella version of "What does the fox say". I like those, but I figure she's heard them a lot since they are two of her favorites. However, tonight, she broke out with a song that she's only heard in passing.  Sure, she still has a little work to do to perfect the lyrics, but at 4 years old, she could easily destroy me at Name That Tune...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Daaat Elmooo Dorrrld

It might not be the most clearly enunciated version of "Thaaat's Elmoooo's Wooorrrrld" I've ever heard, but my man is singing it with love...

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ahh, Now It Makes Sense

I've been wondering how Everett keeps finding himself in TimeOut for "wrestling with friends". Well, last night, he showed me...it was like a scene from a National Geographic documentary -

Amelia, the unsuspecting prey, was enjoying a lollipop when her predator come from the darkness to pounce on her...

Once she was in his grasp, she couldn't shake the wild animal loose....

Luckily, I was able to intervene before anyone was eaten. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

S is for ...

Amelia had her Christmas show with her school the other night. Very, very much like her most recent ballet recital, I didn't bring my video camera. I'm not sure how I'm slipping so badly lately, but I'll do better next time. Until then, here is the best I could grab on my phone. Amelia has the first letter 's'...which apparently stands for sugarplums dancing while we sleep.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


As I've said on here before, the little man loves to stack things. I looked down in the shopping cart today and this is what I saw...

...he's either going to be a great architect or at least a busboy who can clear an entire table of glasses in one trip.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Learning the Hard Way

Selling your house is hard.

Buying a house is hard.

Selling your house while trying to buy another house and closing on them nearly simultaneously so you aren't homeless is borderline crazy.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Nature or Nurture?

In the past month or so, I've heard a minimum of five different comments about how much I talk. I don’t think I talk that much. Do I? I don’t know. Maybe I do talk a lot. But, I mean, what is a lot? For instance, do I talk a lot for guy? Do I talk a lot for any human? Is my talking on the high end of an appropriate amount? Is my talking on the low end of an annoying amount?  Wait, is my talking on the high end of an annoying amount? I suppose it could be. But, you know, it isn't like I talk to everybody. I mostly only talk to people I know really well. Oh, and additionally I talk to people I just met. Well, and I do also talk to people I met a while ago, but I don’t know really well yet.  I can’t help it. I like people. Hmmm, or is it that I hate silence? Can it be both? Yep. That’s it. I like people and I hate silence.  I wonder if I like people more than I hate silence or vice versa? Surely, they can’t be equal.  What’s so bad about talking anyway? Talking means communicating. Communicating means sharing ideas.  Ideas mean making things happen.  Making things happen means changing the world! Sure, 99% of all things I say are neither ideas nor do they really need to be communicated, but that’s beside the point. Actually, it probably is the point. Maybe I should go an entire day without talking just to prove I can do it. Can I do it? Does it count if I isolate myself so there is nobody to talk to? What if I talk, but nobody is around to listen? Does that still count as talking or is that just thinking out loud? Is that why I like writing? It’s basically talking in black and white and doesn't require an audience. Is my wordiness why all feedback on my screenplays include the terms “lengthy dialogue” and yet, I’m thinking “what the fuzz?!? I cut out over half the words!”  Can I parlay this love of talking into a career option? That’s going to be hard since I go radio silent when there is a crowd. Is there any way to get paid to talk a lot to just a person or two at a time? Maybe I should have been a therapist? Wait, isn't that really more about listening than talking? Maybe I need a therapist? I don’t know. Oh well, if I’m ever talking to you and it’s too much, just tell me.  That’s what my mom does. That’s what Meggan does. That’s pretty much what everyone who knows me well does.

On a completely, totally,and utterly unrelated note…during the meeting with Amelia’s prospective school, one of the critiques was that she tends to be a bit too chatty. I’m looking into how to help correct it. I just can’t tell where she gets it from. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It Goes Fast

Everything went great today in regards to Amelia's future school endeavors. However, I still can't believe she is old enough to be having this discussion. That said, sometimes I see pictures of Everett like the one below and can't believe how old he looks either. Hmmmm, maybe I am just not willing to admit that I, too, by default must be getting older.

Monday, December 9, 2013

School Days

Meggan and I get to go meet with school officials tomorrow to discuss how all of Amelia's testing went and her readiness to enroll in Kindergarten next fall. I think she is awesome and any school would be lucky to have her. I can't imagine anything negative they could have to say. Then again, that is probably why schools hire admissions professionals rather than just let parents vouch for their children.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


IMPORTANT message for anyone considering sharing a milkshake with Everett - do NOT get involved.

He simply can't be trusted. The man will not, I repeat, will not give the shake back when his turn is over. He also clearly does not understand the cardinal rule of sharing - you each get your own straw. Sure, in the picture below he's got the one straw thing down, but trust me, that was mere coincidence. He double barreled that thing every chance he got. Additionally, with his weak straw skills, he may have ended up slobbering more shake back into the cup than he actually drank. And lastly, the biggest problem with all of it is he's so damn cute doing it that you feel bad for making him stop. Save yourself the trouble and spring for two shakes. It is the only option.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Everett's stacking joy has evolved a bit. Tonight, he randomly decided he should align all the horses he could find from shortest to tallest. If nothing else, the boy really likes order...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Mistake

Well, I guess I was wrong about Amelia's gingerbread house....or at least Naybe seems to think it is delicious....

Speaking of Naybe, he also seemed to think Everett's idea of putting horses in the tree was brilliant...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


According to Amelia, this is how you make a quality gingerbread house...to me, it looks more like a gingerbread shanty....

Luckily, when I asked her if she had eaten any of it, she said "No....only M&Ms, marshmallows, Fruit Loops, and a candy cane."

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I'm not entirely sure Everett understands the Christmas tree.  At this point, I think he just thinks it is a place where we keep all our shiny toys.

Perhaps the best example of this are these My Little Pony dolls he keeps randomly hiding in the tree...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Time to Work

Much like Sylvester Stallone in Over the Top, once Amelia grabs a hat and flips it backwards, that means it's time to do work....

Sunday, December 1, 2013

He's Back

We were surprised to open the mailbox yesterday and find out the Naybe had made his triumphant return....

 Today, we found him hiding in our apples...

 And when we returned from shopping, he had apparently helped himself to a snack....

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Ahhhh, welcome back from a great Thanksgiving. 

Amelia was spending a lot of time with her grandmother over the holiday...and the next thing I knew, I was buying her scratch off lottery tickets (which lost)...oh well, I'm just glad she didn't also pick up a coffee drinking habit...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Like I said the other night.... for a 1 year-old, the boy is a stacking machine....

Monday, November 25, 2013

Surfing in Style

A lot of toddlers use IPads these days....but, how many do it while rocking a pair of boots they stole from their mother's closet?

Saturday, November 23, 2013


This is what it's like shopping with your fashion forward son...

You walk into the store to find that he has already found a new pair of boots he likes...

 You tell him he can't get the boots only to turn around a minute later and see he has taken off his shoes and socks to put on the new boots...

If the boots are a no, maybe you'll like the hat he decides to put on his head...

Friday, November 22, 2013


I don't know if Everett will be a good athlete, a math wiz, or a musical genius, but I do know he is a beast when it comes to stacking his toy trains (or blocks, legos, or anytihing else).

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Something's Missing

Hmmmm, something seems to be missing from Amelia's most recent school list, but I just can't figure out what it is....

.....oh yeah, that's right...it is her sweet, loving little brother. The worst part is if he were able to verbalize his list, she'd be the first thing he said. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Everett had to be put in TimeOut twice today - once for repeatedly wrestling with two of his friends and once for taking off his socks and shoes and throwing them at another child. These are not approved activities.  I'd like to think he learned his lesson, but something in the way he smiled a huge smile when I asked him if he had to go to TimeOut today makes me think this is only the beginning.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Empty Nest

Well, we are 3 days into having our house for sale and the worst part by a mile is dealing with Sophie during showings. We can't leave her home because she's one of the few dogs that have a panic attack in a crate. The last 200 times we tried to leave her in one, she ended up dancing in her own poo. That's the kind of thing you probably won't see on House Hunters.  We can't put her in the neighbor's yard because she will undoubtedly lose her dog mind when she sees strangers in her own backyard. This will set off a chain of jumping and barking that would make any potential buyer concerned they were buying the house next to a dog of unsound mind. Seriously, when Sophie gets on a roll, she's the canine embodiment of Fran Drescher's laugh.  And considering it would be cheaper to rent Sophie her own apartment than it is to board her at the kennel for every showing, our only option is to take her with us each time...and naturally, she shakes, shivers, and yelps the entire time she's in the car or around any life form outside our immediate family.

Here we are getting ice cream where despite a long leash and ample walking sidewalk, Sophie won't move anywhere but on my lap...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Talking it Out

If I were to post everything Amelia says that cracks me up, I'd literally post something every single night. Here are a few excerpts from today...

Meggan (to Everett): You did such a great job getting your haircut today. Mommy is so proud of you.
Amelia (referencing what we did while he was getting a haircut): Hey! I did a great job eating my ice cream!

Amelia (while discussing things that start with the letter "N" for show and tell): nut, neighbor, enough.
Me: baby, enough starts with an E, not an N...EEEnough
Amelia: not if you just have one
Me: one what? You can't have one enough
Amelia: You say it wrong. If you only have one, you only have A "Nuff"

Amelia: You go first at prayers tonight.
Me: Amelia, we say our prayers in the same order every night. (This is because one of her all time great bedtime stall tactics became arguing over who should pray first, second, and third)
Amelia: How about if it is your birthday, you go first that night.
Meggan: Okay, but, it isn't anyone's birthday tonight, so start your prayers.
Amelia: Oh, it's SOMEBODY's birthday somewhere in North Carolina.
Meggan: (after we credited her for correcting us that it was indeed somebody, somewhere's birthday) Say your prayers or Mommy and Daddy are leaving the room.
Amelia: Okay, Dear Jesus, please help my mommy have a better attitude.
Me: What's wrong? Why are you crying?
Amelia (through tears): Because, umm, it hurts my feelings and I feel sad when I make bad decisions and you have to tell me 7 or 18 times to fix my choices.
Me: Well, I guess that's better than 8 or 19 times.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I know what you're thinking..... who IS that strange little man? Don't worry, I know this is shocking, but it's actually just Amelia in a disguise she got at a birthday party today....

Friday, November 15, 2013

For Sale

We put our house on the market today. I think we've gone through every type of human emotion about the possibility of selling our house. You see, this isn't just a house. It's our first house. It's the house we brought Amelia home to. It's the only house Everett has ever known. This house has seen every person in it laugh, cry, win, and lose. We've cursed this house for not having enough space and we've all snuggled tightly together on its couches.  We've spent thousands replacing its air conditioner and roof and we've broken our backs (and my brothers' backs) putting in irrigation and a stone patio. We've had some decorating hits (kitchen backsplash) and several more decorating misses (nearly every room we've ever painted).  Its walls are adorned with the pictures, words, and paintings that represent the last decade of our lives. So, when I see the for sale sign out front, or the lock box on my door, I can't help but be equal parts sad, scared, hopeful, and excited. I don't know if or when this house will sell, but I do know long after we leave behind the windows and wall, we'll still have the memories that will last a lifetime.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dress Code

When you wear a nightgown, a tiara, and a fuzzy neck wrap to work on your computer...I can't decide if that means your office has a really loose or a really fancy dress code...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Role Model

Amelia came home with this note from her teacher today....

As a parent, it feels great to see that your child not only does well as function of others, but can actually set the example and be the reason others do well.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


If any of you are looking for original works of art, I know where to get a good deal on some of the finest.

Okay, they might be the Mona Lisa, but they were made with love and effort and I am proud to have them on my wall. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Tough Questions

On the ride to school today Amelia dropped a tough one on me out of the blue. We were just riding quietly when she asked "Daddy, are you going to go to Heaven before me because your daddy went before you?". It was at that point that I realized I'm not sure what is scarier to a 4 year-old....the concept of dying and going to Heaven yourself or the concept of your parents going to Heaven and leaving you here alone. So, I went a different route. I just told her neither one of us was in Heaven right now, so let's just enjoy that and worry about the rest later...and then I stomped on the gas and got her to school as fast as I could.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Early Start

Well, I found out today that much like Taye Diggs in the late 90's, Everett has been putting the moves on a girl named Stella. Now, I don't know what Stella's intentions are with my son, but from what I understand, they keep following each other around the classroom and giving each other kisses. I was also told his face completely lit up when he saw her today. I know she's a younger woman. I just hope he doesn't break his heart or try to share his snack....because he will club her in the head.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I'm not a fan of cold weather and I'm even less a fan of the sun going down before I leave work. That said, Fall certainly makes for a beautiful drive to work....

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Today is our 7 year wedding anniversary. In honor of this, Meggan played this song for me. And I don't think there is a better way to define our marriage than the chorus....

'Cause all of me, loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sharp Dressed

Two things are fact....

1) Girls are indeed crazy about a sharp dressed man

2) My children loves 80s rock songs

Sunday, November 3, 2013


For some weird reason, Everett's new favorite hobby is pushing a baby stroller around the back yard. For even stranger reasons, it felt more normal to me once he put his stuffed dog inside rather than pushing an empty stroller....

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Weekend Plans

Last night...
Meggan had dinner and drinks with friends

Today we...
Went to ballet
Met a realtor to look at some houses
Had dinner with friends

Tomorrow we...
Have breakfast plans with a friend
Have dinner plans for our anniversary

That is six different planned events in one weekend. For us, that is roughly 600% our normal weekend load.  Frankly, I didn't even know three separate groups of friends liked us enough to have meals with us. So, that is making me feel pretty blessed right about now.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Now that Halloween is over, I figure I need to hurry up and get our pumpkin carving photos on here before it is weirdly late....or is the day after Halloween already too late...oh well, considering Ev doesn't seem to mind the fact that he looks like Elton John when he wears his sister's Minnie glasses, I doubt he'll care.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Dozens of hand made Tootsie Pop spiders with 8 pipe cleaner legs and googly eyes... I have better things to do with my night....damn you, Pinterest. Damn you.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Is there any better babysitter than the IPad? It is fun. It keeps the kids quiet. It can be educational. It keeps the kids quiet. It is safe. It never gets boring. Oh, and did I mention it keeps the kids quiet?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Weekends

We have taken advantage of the fall recently with trips to the zoo and the pumpkin patch....

corn maze...

 Ev enjoying his pumpkin...

 Ev catching a ride...

 He loved this monkey...

 Milking a cow....