Saturday, May 31, 2014


You haven't enjoyed a ride until you've been strapped in listening to Everett scream because he wanted to sit in Amelia's seat instead of his own while Amelia repeatedly keeps badgering him saying things like "Oh, Evie, you can scream louder than that", "That's better..good screaming, little man", "My name's Eveeewett and I like to cryyyy like a wittle baabbbyy", etc.. A part of you wants to throw both of them out of the sunroof. Another part of you loves seeing the sibling relationship develop and grow....and before anyone feels sorry for Mr. Ev, he gets in his fair share of shots including following Amelia around until she begs him to stop and randomly sitting next to her and poking, hitting, or just touching her over and over and over and over again

Thursday, May 29, 2014


I'm glad to see Everett has enough respect for the sanctity of the playground to remove his Woody hat when he goes down the slide. The man very, very rarely removes his hat for anyone or anything. So, kudos to you big, green slide...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Different Times

With Amelia getting ready for kindergarten, we are getting our first glimpse into how much things have changed since we were in school. The first major thing I noticed (aside from all the cool things they have like IPads) is that she was given a summer reading list...the summer before she is in kindergarten. I don't think I got a summer reading list until I was a teenager...if I even got one then. It looks like she is going to have to hit the ground running.

Style pt.2

Tonight, Amelia essentially told me she also didn't like my style because I was wearing a pink shirt and pink shirts were for girls. While I used it as a chance to teach her that it doesn't matter if others like your style as long as you do, I'm still not sure I need a tiny critic running around my house.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Tonight, my five year-old felt the need to let me know she doesn't like the "style" we give her.  She doesn't like her clothes because her "style" is dresses. She also doesn't like the comforter on her bed because the blanket in the guest room is apparently her "style". I'm 35 years old and I barely have a style. I'm not sure I'm prepared to handle keeping up with the trendiness of a pre-kindergartener.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hanging Out

Sitting outside in the warm sun, playing in the sprinklers with your big sister, and rocking a whipped cream beard is the best way I can think of to spend a Memorial Day weekend...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Berries, Baked Goods, and Balls

We made our way to the strawberry farm where we picked enough strawberries for Meggan to make some homemade jam, we ate and drank everything they had for sale, and we played on everything we could find.

I'm thinking one game we might avoid next time is tetherball, or as Everett knows it "slap the ball and run like hell before it comes back around and hits you in the face" ball. Let's just say neither child escaped without taking at least one shot to the coconut...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Twinkle Twinkle

I try not to compare the kids all the time, but hey, when you happen to have videos of both your kids at almost exactly the same age singing the same post them together...

Everett at 2 years, 4 months...

Amelia at 2 years, 2 months


He's learning....

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Any goalie in their right mind would be trembling in their cleats if they had to face this for a penalty kick. They may be the size of twizzlers, but she has a cannon for a leg...

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Good Night

Tonight while Meggan worked, we went out for pizza with one of Ev's friends from school (and his dad). Then, the kids all went crazy running around and splashing on the edge of a giant fountain. Once everyone was far more wet than they should have been, we decided to go for ice cream. So, by the time we got home the kids were covered in daycare, pizza sauce, water, sweat, and ice cream. The best part? The fact that I was enjoying it so much I didn't even stop to take a picture of it.

Good Point

We try very hard to teach Amelia to be confident in herself. It is my goal to have her truly believe she can do anything she wants as long as she works hard. This morning, she showed me that she's listening....

Amelia: When can I learn to play the violin?

Me: Ummmm, someday. I think you'd really like the piano

Amelia: I already know how to play the piano (not true unless you count hitting random keys as noise comes out)

Me: Oh, I see.

Amelia: What do you know how to play?

Me: I can't play anything.

Amelia: Sure, you can. You can play piano too (also not true)

Me: No, I am terrible at all things music. I can't sing. I can't read music. I can't play any instruments.

Amelia: That is a really dumb thing to say.

Me: Well, okay.

Amelia: I'm sorry. I know that was a potty word. But, it is really dumb to say you can't do anything.

Me: Even if I can't?

Amelia:  If you think you can't , you can't and if you think you can, you can...either way, you're right.

Me: You're right. I'm sorry.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Full Speed Ahead

This is what having no fear and charging the sprinklers with gusto looks like....

....I can't wait for his swimming lessons to start in a few weeks.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Unlike 99% of bloggers out there, I have only have one purpose for my blog.... so I can revisit it later in life and see all the steps that took this little toddler.... this smart, confident, big girl.....

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Here is a conversation Amelia and I had tonight.

Amelia : Please give me a second chance (hoping to atone for a an earlier sin)

Me: No, baby. In real life, you don't always get second chances.

Amelia: You don't?

Me: Nope, if you do something bad, you can get put in jail or get fired from your job.

Amelia: What does fired mean?

Me: It means they don't let you work there anymore.

Amelia: And you have to get another job?

Me: If you're lucky. Some people want to work, but can't find anyone to hire them.

Amelia:  Well, I'm going to be a doctor when I grow up.

Me: That's a great job.

Amelia:  Yeah, doctors make SO much money.

Me: Hmmm, that's not really why you should be a doctor. You should be a doctor so you can help people.

Amelia: Oh, well, I mostly just care about money.

Me: That's because you don't understand. Money isn't as big of a deal as you think it is. Happiness is what really matters.

Amelia:  No, I mostly just care about moooonnnneyyyy.

Me: We're going to have to keep working on this.

So, there you have it. Despite our efforts to teach Amelia about the bigger picture of life and about charitably giving to those who are in need, my daughter is basically a money hungry capitalist at the age of 5.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Growing up

Not only did we get our school pictures back today (where my kids look like they've grown in dog years), but we got Amelia's school supply list for kindergarten. It is such a little thing, but at the same time it means she really is entering into another chapter of her life. I almost can't believe it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Am I the Staff?

9 times out of 10, Amelia and Everett have some level of manners. They both know to say please, thank you, and excuse me. That said, there are some times where I'm not sure my kids realize I'm their dad and not just the staff who is around to service their every need. Yesterday morning was a perfect example of this. First, Everett gave me the business for about 20 minutes because he wasn't allowed to wear his Scooby Doo pajamas to school. He then told me "Go get my papa (Papa is what he named the stuffed dog he sleeps with). He in my bed." This was all followed by Amelia yelling for me to come out of my bedroom where I was getting dressed only to have her say "Actually, I also ordered sausage and you only gave me bacon". The worst part is after I made sure fashion expectations were met, chased down stuffed dogs, and cleared up any "ordering" mix up with the kitchen staff, I found out these two customers stiffed me on the bill and didn't tip me to boot.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Not So Secret Shoppers

Kids love small shopping carts. They are fun, make the kids feel important, and are just their size.

Parents hate small shopping carts. No food or customer is safe from these battering rams, they aren't big enough to hold your groceries so you need a big cart too, and they add an hour to your shopping trip.

However, one thing everyone agrees are so cute pushing them around the store...

Monday, May 12, 2014

New Style?

Is there a new style among dump truck types that includes wearing head jewelry? If not, maybe he's a trendsetter...

Saturday, May 10, 2014


After we read Amelia the instructions, she came back to us after solving each word and reading it out loud to us without any help at all.  I'm so proud of well she is doing with her reading, her writing, and apparently her ability to do little word puzzles...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hanging Out

Dealing with the plight of the dual income family, I've been working late all week and now tonight was Meggan's turn.  So, I had to step up my parenting and make sure the kids got a healthy dinner....of pancakes, bacon, and sausage.... at least I stopped Amelia after I heard the words "can I drink this?" and looked up to see her leaned back, holding the strawberry syrup over her mouth...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I've been working a lot of long hours this week, so Meggan has had the kids all to herself.  That said, we've had to call in the big guns to help.....Nanny Ipad - the best babysitter on the planet...

Monday, May 5, 2014

Fear Factor

After several months and many, many swim lessons that consisted of me spending money to watch Amelia cling to the instructor for dear life, she finally got brave. Somewhere between watching her literally shiver with fear and hearing her scream so loudly when I tried to get her to float that the lifeguards came to check on her, I almost gave up hope that this day would come. However, this weekend while at a birthday pool party, I guess watching all her friends have fun was finally too much to handle.  My brave little girl climbed in the pool to take her swim test. She stared at the lifeguard she had to swim to in order to pass the test. She slowly let go of the wall for the first time in her life releasing almost two years of fear along with it...and then she promptly sank like a rock.

Oh well, she tried...and Meggan and I showered her with praise like she just beat Micheal Phelps.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sweet Style

There's getting ice cream ...and then there's getting ice cream while rocking your Woody hat and boots...

A small bite...

 Now he has to go get his boots cleaned....

Friday, May 2, 2014

Take Two

One of my favorite things about doing this blog is that it forces me to take notice of the life's little memories. Each night when I sit down to post, I'm really just running through a short catalog of the day.  It also serves as a storage space for these little snapshots so that I can return to them years later as moments with Everett act as replays for moments we had with Amelia....

Everett tonight...

 Amelia in 2010...

Thursday, May 1, 2014


He scrambles on the tips of his super-grip toes.
He clambers with his knees, his tail, and his nose.
He's up on the bridge without hesitation.
He's a clickety-clackety climbing sensation.

These are the words Amelia rattled off tonight from memory since Everett tore this page out of our new book. Sure, we've read the book a few times, but I can't recite the entire thing from memory. She can...just as she can recite all the words to basically every book we own...and just about every movie we've watched...and half the songs on pop radio...and she's not afraid to correct you when you get it wrong. I used to pride myself on my memory, but even I have to admit when I'm beat. It is just a clear reminder that little kids are always watching, always listening, and always soaking up everything.