Saturday, May 17, 2014


Here is a conversation Amelia and I had tonight.

Amelia : Please give me a second chance (hoping to atone for a an earlier sin)

Me: No, baby. In real life, you don't always get second chances.

Amelia: You don't?

Me: Nope, if you do something bad, you can get put in jail or get fired from your job.

Amelia: What does fired mean?

Me: It means they don't let you work there anymore.

Amelia: And you have to get another job?

Me: If you're lucky. Some people want to work, but can't find anyone to hire them.

Amelia:  Well, I'm going to be a doctor when I grow up.

Me: That's a great job.

Amelia:  Yeah, doctors make SO much money.

Me: Hmmm, that's not really why you should be a doctor. You should be a doctor so you can help people.

Amelia: Oh, well, I mostly just care about money.

Me: That's because you don't understand. Money isn't as big of a deal as you think it is. Happiness is what really matters.

Amelia:  No, I mostly just care about moooonnnneyyyy.

Me: We're going to have to keep working on this.

So, there you have it. Despite our efforts to teach Amelia about the bigger picture of life and about charitably giving to those who are in need, my daughter is basically a money hungry capitalist at the age of 5.

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