Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pregnancy does not become her

So, I am now 38 1/2 weeks pregnant. Incase you all want to know what that looks like, see exhibit A. Scary, right?
The anticipation is really getting to us, but at the same time the thought of going into labor sends me into panic. I'm staring this huge elephant, or marshmallow, if you will, in the face and there is no way over it, under it or around it, and noone can help me through it. Heck, noone can even tell me what to really expect.
Ask any woman who has gone through labor to describe what it feels like, and they draw a blank and give you a standard response, "you will just know." What?! I wonder if they are too scared to tell you for fear of freaking you out, or do they not remember, or was it honestly so painful, they can't compare it to anything in life. Scenario #3 is a bit worrisome, no lie.
Well, hopefully, I will come out on the other side of this healthy and with some piece of my former self in tact. Heck, I will settle for hands that don't look like Shrek's and feet that don't look like baking potatoes. One thing I'm sure of is that having Amelia finally here will make everything worth it, no matter what happens. I'm so excited to meet this little girl. Here's hoping she gets here soon!

1 comment:

  1. Megan, hoping it all goes really great! You're right - none of us can tell you what to expect because it would probably be totally different for you anyway! Move around as much as you can during labor (if they'll let you) and the minute you see that baby girl, the hours you just spent in labor will be like a distant memory and you'll join the rest of us in "forgetting" all of it (at least enough to want to do it again). We'll be praying for all of you.
