Saturday, September 12, 2009


This time last year, I had literally not read any blogs and had never considered writing a blog. It wasn't that I didn't like to write, it was just that I assumed basically nobody would ever want to read it. However, when Meggan suggested we start a blog to chronicle Amelia's birth and subsequent growth, I figured I would give it a try. Well, we are about 100 posts into this thing and it seems to be going well. We, and I use that term very loosely considering Meggan has less blog entries than Amelia and Sophie do, have not kept entirely focused on Amelia, but she does get the majority of the blog. Throughout the 100 posts I have some that I am proud of, some that could have been better, and others that are so boring they never should have been written. I have also started reading several blogs since we created this one. I find it almost voyeuristically fascinating to peek in on the thoughts of others. After looking at these other blogs, I am pleasantly surprised by the number of people who actually keep reading this blog. It seems I am one of the few people who just simply write blog posts. Almost every other blog I see has links to other blogs, re-posts from blogs, and links to web videos. I'm guessing going forward, I should start to include items like this just to help keep interest and spruce it up a bit. In the meantime, I wanted to thank everyone for taking a little time out of their day to read my ramblings and to particulary thank those of you who provide me feedback on a regular basis. It certainly has provided an enjoyable hobby for me.

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