Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. I have not been around for all of them and I can count the number I have celebrated on exactly zero fingers. I'm not even really sure how you celebrate Earth Day. With that in mind, this Earth Day has taken on a slightly different significance for me. I can't help but look at Amelia and wonder what's going to be left for her when she is my age. What about her children? I'm no scientist and I'm not certain what to believe amidst all the political posturing on global warming. However, I think anyone who doesn't believe they are individually making a difference to the planet is fooling themselves. Just in my household, we drive an SUV, the TV is on 100% of the time we are home, we run water as if we are paid to do so, and we might throw away more groceries than we eat. It's almost shameful to see it typed out on the screen. We owe it to Amelia's generation to make some changes. I don't think it is likely that we will start biking everywhere or get solar panels installed. Also, I'd rather sell a kidney and give the proceeds to Greenpeace than switch to cloth diapers. So, THAT's not going to be the change. However, I am going to start being more cognizant of wasting electricity, running ridiculous amounts of water, and attempting to recycle every single thing possible. It will not only help the planet in the near future, but it will teach Amelia how to live a more conscious life so that she can pass it along. My changes may not be big, but if I do it, and you do it, and Amelia's generation does it, our grandchildren and great grandchildren might just have something to celebrate when Earth Day turns 80.

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