Saturday, November 19, 2011

And We Shall Call Him...

Well, after much deliberation, we have arrived at a name for Baby Brother. We basically had 2 or 3 main names in the running for the last several months. Ironically, we got rid of all of them and went with a name we first discussed today. Additionally strange, we are pretty certain 99% of our family will not particularly like the name we chose. Luckily, unlike the Wall Street situation, in this case we are in the 1%. And since we'll be paying all the bills, going through all the sleepless nights, and generally assuming all responsibility for him...our opinions are all that matters. We decided to go with an old English name (like we did with Amelia) that we felt was uncommon, yet strong. From here forward, Baby Brother shall be known as Everett Joel.


  1. I LOVE it!!!! Everett was mentioned before we found out it was a girl. Good choice!!
