Monday, February 20, 2012

Burn the Boats

I heard two of the best pieces of advice I've heard in a long time tonight. As a grown man, I'm a little ashamed to admit it came from Anthony Robbins...who I saw on Oprah...that we DVR'd...that I was watching after Meggan left to pick up Amelia from school. So, there you have it. I'm sure many of you think watching Oprah means I should have my "Man Card" revoked. Well, first of all, I'm not sure any guys who read this baby blog have room to throw stones. Secondly, good luck finding my Man Card...Meggan took that thing years ago. Anyways, on to the very loosely paraphrased advice (if you want the real thing, you'll have to watch the Oprah-Anthony Robbins interview)

- If you are unfulfilled, your backstory is not why you are where you are today. You are where your are today because you are deathly afraid of what it would take to change.
I love this because I feel we all, at some point or another, use past hindrances and failures as a crutch that allows us to settle in the future.

- If you want to take the island, burn the boats.
This really struck me because this statement alone touches the heart of why so many of us fail at new ventures - from losing weight to changing careers. The fact of the matter is we leave ourselves too many outs. There are too many opportunities to take a half-hearted stab at something and then quit at the first sign of adversity. So, if you want to take the island, burn the boats. At that point, there is no escape, there is no quit, and failure is no longer an option.


  1. Yes, I love that quote too. And it stuck with me and also made me do some life change as well. Everyone has excesses, the boats equal the way out, the Island what the see as a goal.

  2. Hey, there's no shame in watching Oprah!!! Sensitive- insightful men are HOT! I also DVR'd that Tony Robbins interview and was a little surprised by how much I appreciated what he had to say. I guess I have an image of him stuck in my head from his Aqua Net infomercial days... I was still thinking about his comments yesterday and spent some time google-ing his burn the boats quote… the origins of this tactic are way different from the way we think of warring today… Imagine sailing up to an enemy’s land- and once everyone gets ashore- burning your only means of escape… and now- all of the soldiers are left with two choices – moving forward – without retreat as an option- or dying… now that’s a commitment- all in- or all out! I love how he carried this idea over to weight loss too… yesterday I signed up for Weight Watchers again…but feel kind of powerful-ish in my determination…
