Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hair Dryer = Savior

I'm sure many of you women have known for some time that a hair dryer can be quite the savior. However, given my steady decline into a follicly-challenged state, I am new to this wonder. That said, I am considering nominating the hair dryer for some type of award. Why would I want to do that, you ask? Well, I'll tell you...It is because as I discovered last night, it is the only thing that can get Everett to go from screaming to silent. During one of his fits of baby rage last night, I remembered he seemed to like it when Meggan dried her hair. So, I carried him into the bathroom and turned on the blessed machine. Within seconds, he was completely calm and quiet. We did this a few more times just to make sure it wasn't a coincidence and it had a 100% success rate. I am now in the process of trying to fashion some type of apparatus that will allow me to strap the dryer onto my back or holster of some sort so when he cries, I can whip out my magic pistol like a wild west gunslinger. I'm like the Doc Holliday of colicky babies...are chaps and a cowboy hat too uncomfortable to sleep in? Anyways, if it so happens that I can't get any awards to buy in to my discovery (which I'm sure every other parent already knew), I will begin a crusade for all people to remove the term "hair dryer" from their vocabulary and replace it with "Jesus's Gun of Noisy Salvation".


  1. This falls under the "Shooshing" S of the 5 S's of The Happiest Baby on the Block. :-) Just saying.

  2. Randall, I just love your blog! this hairdryer one is FABULOUS AND HILARIOUS!!! whatever works....Aunt Teresa

  3. I shoosed and it didnt work. I wasnt referring to E as an it lol
