Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tinkle Tinkle Little Star

I'll give you one guess as to what happened here this morning...

the only clue I'll give you is it was this guy...and his diaper was off...

One day, we'll learn our lesson about little boys and their need for full coverage at all times.


  1. Hasn't anyone showed you the diaper trick? Leave an extra diaper lay wherever you change him. Once take the old one off, hold the extra one over him while you get your wipe, whatever, and then keep it there when you make the switch. If he pees on it, it soaks it right up. If not, you've still got an extra to use the next time. You might go through a couple extra diapers a week, but that's cheaper than doing a bunch of laundry! And, as a mom of 2 boys, I promise you they don't do this forever :)

  2. I swear we do that 99% of the time...but, that other 1%...the boy is an opportunist.
