Thursday, April 19, 2012

I'm In Trouble

I guess there comes a point in every dad's life where they realize their daughters have got them wrapped around their fingers. Now, I know we all understand this inevitability when we first see our daughters, but I'm referencing the time when you see this cold, hard truth in action.  For me, this has occurred in the last 24 hours.

Exhibit 1 -Yesterday Evening -

Amelia: Can I have a jelly bean?

Me: Umm, no. Jelly beans are treats.

Amelia: Can I have a jelly bean because I washed my hands?

Me: Umm, no. You washed your hands because you were finger painting. You don't get a treat for playing. You only get a jelly bean for washing your hands after you potty. But, that is a treat for pottying, not for just washing your hands.

Amelia: Oh....well, I can give you a kiss...

Me: Deal...but only use that trick on mommy and daddy.

Result - THREE jelly beans

Exhibit 2 - Last night - 3a.m.

Amelia (while crawling into my bed): Scoot over

Me: Hey, baby. What are you doing in here? Let's go back to your room.

Amelia: Noooooooooo. I want to snuggle.

Me: Come on. I'll lay with you for a bit.

Amelia: Noooo, daddy. I want to snuggle with my WHOLE family.

Me: You're sleeping in the middle.

Amelia (after nestling between me and Meggan and lifting up her shirt): Scraaaaatch

Result - Amelia comfortably slept in my bed while I scratched her back and slept hanging off the side of the bed without blankets because she hates them.

So, as anyone can see...Amelia has now learned to use kisses and family time as a means to get me to give her what she wants. Any daughters out there who want to teach me how to thwart this behavior feel free to offer advice.

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