Thursday, August 23, 2012

Milk Man

How badly would you want to beat something (your car, your husband, yourself) if you loaded up the kids, drove them all the way to daycare only to realize you forgot to bring your baby's bottles?  Also, how additionally mad would you be if you repeatedly called your husband (who is still at home) and he didn't answer his cell phone? Now, how incredibly violent would you be if you then drove ALLL the way home, were late for work, saw they weren't in the refrigerator (knowing your good-for-nothing husband could have checked if only he had answered his damn phone! I mean seriously, why doesn't he have his phone on??? What if you got in a wreck? What if you needed him???), and realized they had been beside your purse in the passenger seat of your car the whole time? Let's just say I'm just happy Meggan decided to laugh at herself instead of back over me with the car.

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