Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I started to write a long political blog tonight, but I decided against it for a few reasons...1) It is late and I don't feel like going on a rant, and 2) this blog has always been fairly light hearted and I want it to stay that way.

So, instead of that I will just make two brief statements:

- Watching how the Democratic and Republican politicians basically react in unison to Obama's remarks is somewhat sickening. If half the time that gets spent on political posturing would get spent on individual thought and new, creative ideas, we might actually be able to accomplish something other than an overpaid pissing contest. I'm pretty sure most elementary school student councils are more effective.

- A lot has been made about Tim Tebow's upcoming Superbowl ad which is rumored to be an anti-abortion statement. As a Gator, I obviously like Tim Tebow. However, as a father, I love him. Forget about your stance on abortion for a moment. I just find it refreshing to see a kid, who is likely at the most pivotal point in his life, taking a stand for what he believes in without fear of repercussions. I am glad to have a role model for the children that shows it okay to stand up for what you believe in even if it isn't the most popular or safest stance. It is a welcome change from the standard athlete/entertainer of today who are more interested in getting their next endorsement deal than they are in their own beliefs. I don't always agree with Tebow, but I respect his conviction.

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