Saturday, January 2, 2010

Resolutionary Road

It is the time of year again for everyone to make their New Year's resolutions which means it is roughly 3 weeks prior to when most people break their resolutions. Though people are not all that likely to be able to maintain lifestyle changes made based primarily on the calendar rolling over to January 1st, I think making resolutions is a very healthy exercise. If nothing else, it causes you to examine your life and become aware of the things you need to work on. Simply identifying these aspects is often the hardest part of making the change. So, without further delay, here is a small sample of some of my resolutions (most of which I am sure to break):

- the gold standard of resolutions: get in better shape
- the other gold standard of resolutions: display better financial discipline
- get out and see more of my city
- write more
- do a better job at showing my wife how much I love her
- waste less time on television and surfing the Internet
- more actively pursue my faith
- actually follow through on a record number of resolutions: 1

Only time will tell if I can actually stick to any of these. However, putting them out there for people to see will certainly help. Hopefully, all of you have thought of at least one thing that needs "fixin'" and you will challenge yourself with it.

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