Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Time Off?

It is becoming blatantly obvious that Meggan and I have differing views on what "time off" means. Today was a great example of this grotesque differential. In short, here was my list of things to do today when I woke up:

- sleep in
- play new Wii
- write
- go to the gym
- watch tv, possibly a movie
- relax

Here, apparently, was Meggan's list:

- wake up early
- create a list of chores to monopolize Randall's day
- wait until Randall settles in for relaxing day
- surprise him with list
- clean out closet that nobody uses
- decide today is the day the garage MUST be cleaned...not tomorrow...and CERTAINLY not the following day
- move all things on the left side of the garage to the right side of the garage
- move all things on the right side of the garage to the left side of the garage
- check in on husband to make sure he isn't accidentally relaxing - not on my watch
- determine despite its relatively small importance, the wrapping paper needs to be placed in a bin
- go to Target to find bins that hold wrapping paper
- curse all people who thought of these bins before they were all sold out
- ensure the majority of the relaxable portion of the day is over
- have a lovely evening with my family

*note - despite my complaining, I actually do realize Meggan is the only reason we get anything done in this house.

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