Monday, December 14, 2009

Day Off

I have a very rare day off today in which I am not working, not tending to a sick baby, and not sick myself. Sure, I have a million things to do around the house and around town, but that is a pleasure compared to a normal Monday. So far, I have already learned two things about having relaxing days off...

1) Don't bother trying to get an early start, all the little shops you wanted to go to are not open early. There is no need to go to the bookstore to read or write until 9 and you can forget about renting a movie until 10. Seemingly, if you are the kind of person who wants to sit around writing or watching movies, you are supposed to be a slacker who sleeps in.

2) Apparently, women have a different dress code than men. I saw at least two different women in Target in their pajamas - pajama pants, old t-shirt, fuzzy slippers. These women did not appear to know each other in any way. Thus, I can assume that on two separate occsasions this morning, someone decided it was perfectly fine to leave their home under no state of emergency and go to a public place in the clothing they slept in. Because these were two women, they looked cute, free spirited, etc. However, had I gone out in my pajamas, people would have thought I had escaped the mental ward. Advantage - women.

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