Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cough it up

It is shortly after 6a.m., why am I blogging? Well, you may remember from a few posts ago that I don't have the easiest time going to sleep. That problem extends to any time I have to get out of bed and thus must return BACK to sleep. This morning, Mia wanted to test that theory. She has been coughing her head off for a few weeks now. We've been to the doctor and they say to let her cough it up. The only problem with that is it makes it very hard for her to sleep because she coughs herself awake...then cries us awake. Needless to say, this morning was an exceptionally strong bout of coughing. The only difference today was she had the timing of a well choreographed ballet. She cried, we got up to check on her, hold her, soothe her back to sleep,etc. I stayed up a bit just to make certain she was okay. After all signs were clear, I drifted back to sleep. Roughly 10 seconds later, here come the cries. Once it became obvious she was not going back to sleep this time. I headed downstairs to get her bottle. Upon my return to her room...she was out like a light. By this point, I was a little frustrated and a lot awake. I decided to go ahead and head to the gym before work. As much as the idea of early morning workouts pains me, it would be a good use of my limited time. Shirt. Check. Pants. Check. Socks. Check. Shoes. Check. Kiss Meggan on forehead. Check. Quietly sneak down the stairs. Check. Grab snack. Check. Begin to open door. Cough Cough Cry Cough Cry NO check. Damn. So, I headed back upstairs, gave her a bottle, and she sweetly drifted off to sleep (after taking 3 breaks during the feeding to break into applause). I'm glad she is finally getting some sleep, but I wish she had either let me go back to sleep, feed her the first time, or head to the gym. Instead, I decided to write a quick blog - which became not so quick since I have had to go help her back to sleep 2 times while writing it. This cough has got to go...or I am moving out.

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