Saturday, December 19, 2009

It takes all kinds

I had to sit at the car dealership for about an hour yesterday waiting on some service to be done and I'm telling you, it could not have felt more like being at the DMV. I'm not sure if I could have picked a better people watching crowd. There was:

- A man who looked to be in his mid 30s watching Home Alone on one of the TVs...and laughing hysterically.

- A lady who was at least 70 picked up the newspaper, thumbed through it, pulled out the Sports section and sat down to read it.

- The guy next to me got up 4 separate times to fill his bag of free popcorn and proceeded to crunch it loudly enough to be heard for a 15 feet radius.

- A different grown man, who spoke broken English at best when speaking to the mechanic, was watching Babar on the other TV....and laughing hysterically.

So, while I typically hate sitting in waiting rooms, I was pleased to find this one came with its own built in entertainment.

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