Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Birthday

Sophie: Hey Baby, guess is my birthday!!!

Amelia: Oh yeah? That's great. How old are you? Like 6? 7?

Sophie: NOOO. I'm only 4!!

Amelia: Hmm. I only guessed older because you are so wise.

Sophie: Thanks

Amelia: And because I noticed some gray fur the other day.

Sophie: What?!? Where? Is it on my nub? I thought it was looking light back there. Are you messing with me?

Amelia: When do you plan on moving in with Rose, Blanche and the rest of the Golden Girls?

Sophie: Knock it off. My age is really starting to bother me.

Amelia: If you threeeeewwwww a partyyyy...iiiinvited everyone you kneeewwww...

Sophie: Seriously, Baby, don't make me eat you for the sport of it.

Amelia: You'd probably break a hip chasing me.

Sophie: You've been walking for a few weeks and now you think you can outrun me? Do I need to remind you there is a reason I am Head of Security around here.

Amelia: Yeah, maybe because you bark at anything that moves. Yesterday I saw you bark at a butterfly for 10 minutes. Did your "security" radar go off? Was that a particularly dangerous butterfly?

Sophie: You can never take any threat too seriously. Besides, I thought that was a bat.

Amelia: Well, the eyes ARE one of the first things to go as you age.

Sophie: Damn it! I am not old. I am only 4!!!!!

Amelia: Quiet down or we'll put you in the doggie nursing home. 4 in people years is like 60 in dog years.

Sophie: Actually, it's like 28 - basically the same age as mom and dad.

Amelia: THAT's your argument?.... that you are only as old as dad? That's like saying something only stinks as bad as a turd.

Sophie: When you put it that way, I can do nothing but hang my nub in sadness.

Amelia: Cheer up, pup. You are one day closer to collecting Social Security.

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