Friday, August 13, 2010

Eat, Pray, Suck

Meggan and I were fortunate enough to go on a little date. We decided to catch a much hyped showing of Eat, Pray, Love. In all fairness, there was eating, praying, and loving. So, I can't deny that. However, what they forgot to put in the movie was depth, emotion, or a protagonist that you actually give a damn about and/or root for. In order to be good, a movie like this, which contains virtually no action outside of normal daily functioning, requires a rich ebb and flow of emotions. You need to connect to and rally behind the main character. In this film, I actually felt while they were treated as though they were on Earth solely for her discretionary use, every ancillary character was more interesting and more easily empathized with than the hero, who comes off as an unsatisfiable whiner. Now, I did not read the book, which I am sure is much more complete and enticing. And, I really do hope if any of you see the film, you will come away with a much different view. All I know is, for me, the best part of the two hours at the theater was when I dozed off.


  1. I haven't seen the movie yet but I can tell you that I very much enjoyed the book. I WAS kinda wondering how her voice in the book would translate in a movie.

  2. I totally agree with you! My girls and I went and before she even got to Bali, I split! I'd rather watch anything else. Her character was really boring.
