Sunday, August 15, 2010

The return

After quite a hiatus, we finally made our return to church this morning. It had been far too long since we were able to attend. Actually, it wasn't that we weren't able to attend. It was that trying to keep Amelia still and relatively quiet for an hour is about as easy as getting Sophie to act civilized when a rabbit goes hopping across our back yard. Basically, it's just not going to happen. So, this time, we armed ourselves with every possible tool we had at our disposal - a pacifier, Elmo, seats in the back of the church, enough cereal to kill a man, etc. After all this careful preparation, Mia decided to surprise us. Sure, like clockwork, she took her "we just walked into church so I probably should fill my diaper" dump. I suppose she figured she didn't get all dressed up just for funsies. However, after that, it was pretty smooth sailing. She listened to the music, ate a pound of cereal, and eventually snuggled with Elmo and nearly fell asleep. The sermon was a very powerful lesson and completely re-energized me and Meggan. It was a real pleasure getting back to God's house and I am looking forward to testing Amelia again next week. We'd better stop by the store and stock up on that cereal.

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