Friday, January 18, 2013

Letter From Mommy

Dear Everett, Ev, Buddyman, Evie, Evie Joel, Rooney,

I can’t believe it is your first birthday. As cliché as that sounds, it is the thought that keeps repeating
in my head today. I find myself wondering how twelve months went by so quickly. You have grown so
much from the tiny baby that arrived at 11:59 a.m. on a cold Thursday in January.

I knew you were on your way well before we took the test to make it official. I remember the day we
went to find out we were having a boy. I had a hunch Mimi would have a little brother, and here you
are. On January 19, we went into the hospital at 8 a.m. I got an epidural--that didn’t work!!—, and
about 25 minutes later, you were here. You were 8.5 pounds and 21 inches and perfect. Your big sister
came to see you and sang you a sweet lullaby from the hospital chair while I held you for the first time.
She said you looked like a pirate because you liked to look at us with one eye open for a while. :)

I can’t wait to see the little boy and eventually the man you turn out to be. Today, you love to laugh-
especially at Mimi. You love music, and you are a funny dancer. You hate afternoon naps and long car
rides. You love Classical Baby and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. You can say “mama”, “thank you”
(tank-oo) and “uh-oh”. You are finally beginning to eat some table food. Finally, I guess I’ve convinced
you that I’m not out to poison you. You have a temper, but you are so very sweet. You are “this close”
to walking. I’m sure you will decide to do it any day. You love your big sister, and I hope you two
are always close and appreciate how fortunate you are to have each other in this world.

Daddy and I can’t wait to see what this year will bring for you, sweet boy. We are so proud of you and
thank God every day that he brought you to us. We were looking for a blue-eyed, fuzzy haired, funny,
sweet, opinionated boy to complete our family, and you have turned out to be all we were hoping for
and more. You are a Mommy’s boy, and while I’m sure you won’t always be this obsessed with me, I am
trying to savor every moment—even the ones that fall in the wee hours of the morning—to hold you
close and smell your hair and feel your arms around me and your head on my shoulder. Daddy, Amelia,
Sophie and I love you so much, Ev. Happy Birthday!


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