Friday, January 25, 2013

Strike a Chord

We've all watched a movie that, for some reason, touched us emotionally and made us think about life in new ways. For Amelia, watching Toy Story 3 for the 12th time apparently had this impact. Tonight, after Andy donated his toys and pulled away to college, Amelia started sobbing. This wasn't a slight "aww, that's sweet" tear.  This was more of a shoulder jumping, snot running, flat out cry. Then, we had the following conversation...

Me: What's wrong, baby girl?
Amelia (bawling the entire time): I don't want to go to college and leave you guys.
Me: Well, that's okay. You can go to college near home.
Amelia: But, I'll be grown up soon and I'll have to move on.
Me: No, no, no. You aren't going to be a grown up for a loooooong time.
Amelia: But, I don't want to give away all my toys.
Me: That's fine, just because Andy gave his away doesn't mean you have to.
Amelia: But, I'll only be a kid for a little bit of days and then I can't play anymore. Grown ups don't have fun.

So, there you have it. To a nearly 4 year-old, there is apparently nothing worse than being a grown up where you have to move on, give away your toys, and stop having all fun immediately.

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