Saturday, January 17, 2009

Are we there yet?

Tomorrow will begin my 35th week of pregnancy. Since I last posted, we've had several fun events surrounding Amelia. First, we had our 3D/4D ultrasound session. While things weren't as clear as we had hoped and the little girl snoozed the whole time with her toe in her eye, it was still really cool. We could tell that she has chubby cheeks and her dad's dimpled chin. She has never been too cooperative with ultrasounds. When we did her first trimester screen, they kept trying to get her to turn a certain way to measure the back of her neck, and she went every way but that way. At this session, she refused to be awakened and decided to keep her foot and hands near her face. But from what we can tell, we have a beautiful baby girl cooking in there, and we can't wait to see her and hold her. Dr. Palermo says that I am measuring a week ahead of schedule which means Miss Amelia is beefing up in there. The doctor assured me that she would not ask me to deliver a 12 pounder. Thank God.

Another great event was our first baby shower. Amelia made out like a bandit and she didn't even have to dress up. She got a great bed, a cool swing, lots of bibs, fun toys and about 1 gazillion diapers. It's funny because we thought wow, we have enough diapers for an army of babies. We can give them away as birthday presents or Christmas gifts. Then, other new parents hear about our good fortune and laugh hysterically and joke that we will use those in a week. Or are they joking?

As we near the big day, pregnancy is becoming a real pain. My ankles are so swollen that I can barely fit into my crocs. My hands are numb from the swelling. I don't sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time, and I get up from a chair slower than some 80 year olds. I am convinced that the third trimester is God's way of making women actually look forward to labor enought to actually go through with it. As I creep toward the finish line, and I do mean creep, I know it will all have been worth it, but I can't help whining are we there yet?

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