Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Mexican Jumping Bean

Pregnancy has been such an interesting experience. I say interesting because one day you have some symptom or occurance and the next day you don't, and vice versa. I had twinges of morning sickness starting at week 6 and then one day in week 12 it was as if someone turned the switch off, and it was over. One day your skin doesn't show a sign of stretch marks and you think, who needs a special cream? My skin is tough. The next day you look as though you got into a fight with a cat. One day I couldn't feel any kicks, and then one Saturday morning I felt it...A Mexican jumping bean.

The Mexican jumping bean just started changing the way she kicks last week. The kicking went from sharp jabs to slow pronounced movements. I can actually see her moving in my stomach. Maybe it was the vegetables I ate over the holidays in Glennville that kick started (pun intended) a growth spurt. Who knows? But now, I can sit on the couch and watch her move. Sometimes she is moving so much, I think she just might accidentally punch out of their through my belly button.

One thing I've also thought about is just how much I feel her at night. Uh oh! Guess we better buckle up because someone invited a Mexican jumping bean to the party!

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