Wednesday, May 13, 2009

First day at daycare

Today was Mia's first day at daycare. I've felt pretty good about the need for daycare and how well it will socialize her. However, once I got her there this morning, I had second thoughts. She just seemed so tiny and vulnerable there. Maybe I am biased or overly concerned for her, but I did not get a good feeling when I looked around at the other kids. With no exaggeration, this is what my overly protective father eyes saw:

- A boy in the corner was sharpening the bottom of his rattle like a prison shank.

- A little girl tried to sell me a fake Rolex she had hidden under her swaddle blanket

- Two boys and a teacher were throwing dice and smoking while watching Scarface on a Sesame Street portable DVD player.

- One particularly disturbing child was doing push ups on his knuckles. He had a tattoo across his shoulders that read "Dirrrtier than your diaper" and another tat of lips on a pacifier on his neck.

As if I wasn't freaked out enough by the "fresh meat" stares they were giving Mia or the young man that shouted "hey shorty, I like your Elmo panties" from the back of the room when we walked in, a little boy who, no lie, had grown a full beard, gave me a throat slash gesture and blew me a kiss on my way out the door.

I thought the dogs at Sophie's kennel were tough. I'm not sure Amelia is going to make it out alive. Although, I was proud of the little girl for bring home 10 cigarettes she had won playing 3 card Monte with the girls on her cell block. Who knows, maybe she'll survive after all.

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