Saturday, May 2, 2009

History is made

It took 9 weeks and 5 days, but I finally did it. I wasn't sure it was ever going to happen. What is this grand accomplishment? Tonight, I finally found something that Meggan was afraid/didn't want to do with Amelia that I took care of...trimming Amelia's nails. Meggan has about 150 of these things over me so far. She knocks out most dirty diapers, nose suctioning, and thermometers in the nether region. So, imagine my surprise when Meg had no interest in getting anywhere near the nail trimmers. I was excited because this was something I could do. I mean, how hard could it be to trim some fingernails? That was BEFORE I went to clip them. Holy crap, those are tiny nails and let's just say Amelia didn't voluntarily order the manicure at Salon-de-dad. She was very content to keep her hands in constant motion while balling up her fists. I'm not sure how it looked, but I'd say a good visual representation would be the scene in Karate Kid where Daniel-son is trying to catch flies with chopsticks...if chopsticks were blades, he loved the flies, and was desperately trying not to hurt them. In the end, we were able to get the job done without incident. And, I have finally found the one time where dad stepped up while mom watched.

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