Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

So, I know I haven't posted in quite awhile. I have just been enjoying Randall's posts, and I've been just a tad bit busy these days. It seems that when I have some down time, I just want to zone out. Sometimes I feel like I've run a marathon. Too bad it's not having the affect of a marathon on my physique.

Anyway, as I prepare to go back to my job, I can't help but wonder if I'm better at my job or at being a stay at home mother/wife. I mean, I have mad skills when it come to cleaning, but my cooking leaves a bit to be desired. I usually approach cooking like Goldie Hawn in this clip

But I can say that while I may not be the best mother by other's standards, I sure have enjoyed giving it my best shot. And if I do say so myself, Amelia seems to dig my style. Over the last 11 weeks I've not only gained a daughter, I've gained a best girl friend. Every day, I wake up, look over in the bassinet and see that smiling face. Maybe she's happy to see me, but she probably just gets a kick out of waking me up. I undo her swaddle and watch her have a big stretch and a smile. She savors a mug of Similac and then we begin the day with some tummy time and girl talk.

Then, we pick out our flyest gear and she sits in her bouncy while I do my hair. Then, we fluff out her mullet and head out to run errands and visit Target. We make it home to meet Daddy for lunch which is the highlight of our day and soon after he leaves she takes a nice long nap while I clean and answer email.

At 4, we wake up, have more smiles and girl talk, and of course more Similac while we wait for Daddy to come home. Finally, he comes through the door and we start dinner (see above). Later at 8, we take a bath, more girl talk except this time we let Daddy in on the fun. We put on her jammies and we all (including Sophie) go in the nursery for bedtime. I rock her while her cd of slow jams softly plays, and by 8:30, she is a sleeping angel.

As I close the nursery door at night, a part of me takes a deep breath and looks forward to some down time with Randall, but another part of me can't wait for the morning to see that smiley face again. It truly is the perfect day every day.

I am the luckiest mom in the world. I have had the opportunity to love the prettiest, funniest, sassiest girl I've ever known. I have a husband who I absolutely adore who makes me feel so special every day and a dog that at the very least always alerts me to visitors at the door and makes sure the contents of my diaper bag are safe.

God has given me the most perfect little life, but it's only perfect because of the people he has allowed me to share it with. I hope I give them some clue of how grateful I am to get to love them and be loved by them every day.

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