Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Girl talk

So, we haven't blogged in a week. Let's just say I would have preferred blogging to the flogging I have been taking at work recently. That said, I'm too tired to write tonight, so I am turning the blog over to my loyal companion and my baby girl...

Amelia: Wow, what an honor. We get to blog tonight.

Sophie: I'm so excited! I can't believe it. I have been waiting my entire life for a chance to blog. Seriously, this is freakin' awesome!

Amelia: Do you even know what blogging is?

Sophie: Uhh, no.

Amelia: You've never heard of a blog, you bark at dogs that are on TV, and you eat rubber pacifiers..... geez, you're like a 10lb, nubby-tail wagging Einstein.

Sophie: ...says the girl who is routinely mesmerized by a ceiling fan.

Amelia: Well played. So,back to the blog. I think we are just supposed to pick something and talk about it on here.

Sophie: Okay, how about we talk about how awesome my life is at home now that you are in daycare?

Amelia: Awesome like you laying around, sulking like a little punk? Yeah, we all know about that. Don't worry, I think it's sweet that you are a crybaby.

Sophie: First of all, I wasn't sulking. I was merely too euphoric to get off the couch and for your information, I wasn't crying either. I had fur in my eye.

Amelia: Of course you did. On a serious note, I have to admit, I miss hanging out with you all day.

Sophie: Really?!?

Amelia: NO! I just wanted to see if I could get you to cry again.

Sophie: Man, daycare has hardened you.

Amelia: It's rough in the joint. If you aren't hard, you'll never make it. When I first got there, I had to constantly watch over my Similac or they'd try to steal it.

Sophie: Steal your Similac? That just ain't right.

Amelia: It's getting better now that I have put my new plan into place. Let's just say nobody wants to mess with the kid who drools until her bib is soaked and blows out a diaper once a day. Gross? Yes. Brilliant? You bet your furry little puppy ass it is.

Sophie: Do your wits have no end? I am so totally digging you right now. I'm starting to think we make better friends than enemies. What do you say?

Amelia: I'm one step ahead of you... I got my first daycare tat's of you.

Sophie: Awwww, that's so sweet. Can I see it?

Amelia: Sure, here you go.

Sophie: You got a tattoo on your backside of me licking my butt...That's your way of showing your love?

Amelia: Baby steps - love doesn't happen overnight. BTW, don't tell dad about the tat. I'm keeping it hidden under my Elmo panties.

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