Sunday, May 10, 2009


Today is the 30th Mother's Day of my life. I haven't always thought much about it as I speak to my mother nearly 7 days a week. She knows that I love her and appreciate her. I try to make it a point to let her know this the other 364 days as well. However, this being my 1st Mother's Day as a parent, it has given me reason to pause and really consider what being a mother means. I've pulled from the examples set forth by several mothers that are important in my life... my sister, my mother, my wife, my aunt, and a host of others.

A mother cares for you before she ever even meets you.

A mother can make any boo boo better with a kiss.

A mother sets the standard for all the women in your life.

A mother is strong enough to raise a family alone after her husband passes away.

A mother is soft enough to convince you that it will inevitably be alright.

A mother inspires you to be the person she always thought you were.

A mother puts herself through school against the odds to provide a better life for her child.

A mother believes you are innocent until proven guilty....and if proven guilty, believes there must be a mistake. They just don't know her baby like she does.

A mother knows the exact remedy when you are sick, regardless of ailment.

A mother works manual labor jobs because that's what it takes to feed her family.

A mother made the choice to bring you into this world and as I've heard in the past, reserves the right to take you out.

A mother loves you as much, if not more, on your worst day as she does in your finest hour.

A mother was once a teenage girl...and occasionally, she gives you a glimpse into her youthful days.

A mother will one day be your grandmother's age...and occasionally, she gives you a glimpse into the woman she said she'd never become.

A mother tries harder than you will ever know or fully be able to appreciate.

A mother deserves more than she will ever get in return for her efforts.

A mother can never be told too often how much you love them. So, go ahead and let yours know.

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