Friday, August 21, 2009

How young is young?

As I have mentioned on here before, Meggan goes to sleep about 10 minutes after Amelia. This allows/forces me to watch lots of tv by myself at night. I typically use this time to watch things that nobody else wants to watch. Considering the fact that Meggan hates all comedians, this is the perfect time to watch stand up specials. So, I've been watching several iterations of HBO's Young Comedians specials. For the most part, these are all from the 80's and 90's. I watched one tonight in which Ray Romano performed. He said he was 32 years old. This got me thinking - what is the cutoff for the "young" portion of Young Comedians Special? Being 30 myself, I found it refreshing to think that someone out there still considers me young. It can be very easy to begin to feel like your youth is a thing of the past. My college days are far behind me. I'm married....with a child. I own a home. I'm a few steps down my career path. I have a few less hairs than I'd like...and a few more beginnings of wrinkles. However, taking all of this into account, I still typically feel relatively young. I still feel like there are a world of possibilities out there for me. To me, this is the key to maintaining your youth at any age. There are only two measuring sticks - The things you have accomplished/attempted and the number of possible things left out there for you to accomplish/attempt. I feel whether you are 25 or 65, if you can focus more energy on all that is out there for you rather than on what you done and how far down your path you are, you can remain young forever. Then again, what do I know? I'm just some old guy rambling on from his couch on a Friday night.

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