Monday, August 31, 2009

What's it worth to you?

So, my mom is constantly getting on me about being cheap. She thinks it is ridiculous that I am thrown by the cost of Mia's formula. Further, she finds it borderline embarrassing that I would mention that it is $9/day on a blog. Thus, she should really love this post.

What can you do with $9/day over the course of a year?

You can...

- lease a brand new Nissan Rogue
- buy a new Coach purse...every month
- sponsor 9 children a month at
- stay at the Ritz-Carlton in Miami....18 times
- eat at Ruth's Chris two times each month
- buy 20 pairs of '7' jeans per year
- donate 27 goats to impoverished families at
- buy 3,200 jars of baby food
- take a different helicopter tour of Hawaii every month
- buy over 3 ounces of gold
- buy 820 Happy Meals
- buy a 42 inch flat panel television...and 2 laptops
- save 30 acres of rain forest at
- go to the movies 365 times
- subscribe to Netflix, XM radio, the Flower of the Month Club, Bag, Borrow, or Steal, and the Beer of the Month Club...every month....for you and a friend
- buy diamond earrings set in platinum from Tiffany
- buy 50 Tim Tebow jerseys
- purchase 300 mosquito nets for children in Africa
- go to 2 Broadway shows every month
- eat 3,200 tacos
- rock 4 pairs of Christian Louboutin pumps
- drown your dog in 1,500lbs of dog food
- fly to Hawaii...and back...and back to Hawaii...and back...and back to Hawaii...and back...and back to Hawaii...and back
- The complete series dvds for Friends, The West Wing, 2 and a Half Men, Frasier, Charmed, Entourage, King of Queens, Will and Grace, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Gilmore Girls, Sex and the City, The Wire, Everybody Loves Raymond, Full House, Macgyver, and Dawson's Creek combined.

Well, I could probably go on all night, but I think this underscores the reason why it stings for a cheap, cheap man like myself to spend that kind of money because Amelia doesn't like the taste of powdered formula. But, hey, nodoby said being a dad was cheap.

Just as a clarifying point - I love my daughter more than life itself. For her to be healthy, I will gladly continue to pay whatever it costs. If it comes to it, I will happily work two jobs, I will forgo food for myself, and as a last resort, I'll beat up local kids for their lunch money.

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