Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ballet - And We Try Again

Confucius said "The greatest glory in life lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." Apparently, he also had a 2 year-old daughter in ballet class. Amelia was already saying she didn't want to go BEFORE we even got her dance outfit out of the drawer. Additionally, she has put herself on a new schedule where she likes to wake up around 4:45 a.m., complain for a few hours, and then get tired and grumpy. So, we had a slight inkling that it wasn't going to go exactly perfect today. That said, it was actually a big step up from last week. We didn't have to stay in the room with her and she didn't have to be held the whole time. She didn't do a damn bit of dancing, but she did walk around next to the teacher the whole class...which, sadly, is more improvement than we could have hoped for. We even got to watch on TV this time instead of staring at random foggy images through frosted glass windows....

(you may be able to recognize her as the one STANDING next to the teacher in the reflection in the mirror)

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