Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ballet Pt. 3

Meggan had to work an event today so I had the pleasure of taking Amelia to ballet all to myself. She wasn't really all that excited to go so I made her a deal (which I am very against as a parent). I told her she could have a surprise if she didn't cry at dance today. In retrospect, I should have been more ambitious and specific in my request. I'm not sure if you can decipher the grainy picture (from a cell phone of a mirrored reflection on TV) below, but you may be able to see there is an ENTIRE class of students on the left and there is one lone wolf sitting on the floor on the right. Yep, that lone wolf is my daughter. She sat down at the beginning of class and didn't move a butt cheek for the entire 45 minutes. The other kids danced near her, around her, and at a few points tried to speak to her. She just sat. It was reminiscent of the scene in Good Will Hunting where he was forced to go to therapy...He went to therapy, but sat there in silence the whole time proving the point that you can make him go, but you can't make him participate. Well, I can take Amelia to ballet, but I can't make her dance. The worst part - when she walked out of after class was over, the first thing she said was "Daddy, I didn't cry". She got me on that one. So, we went shopping for her surprise later in the afternoon.

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