Sunday, September 25, 2011

Life Imitates Art

This song reminded me of Amelia the moment I heard it. Since then, it pops into my mind any time Amelia and I are doing the simple things and yet having the time of our (most likely MY) life. Yesterday was a perfect example. We stopped at a local pizza place for lunch after our smashing success at ballet. After settling into our booth, Amelia yanked off my hat and put it on her head. A few seconds later I was blowing her pizza to cool it a bit and she started blowing on my head. She began cracking up at how hilarious she was. Then, I did the only reasonable thing I could think of...I began tickling her. As we sat there laughing hysterically with my hair looking like I just woke up from a 3 day bender, Amelia wearing my hat and her ballet costume, and not caring that others were looking at us like we were crazy, I realized this was a moment that I'd always remember and yet, Amelia would have to read about it on the blog someday. To me, it was the highlight of my day. To her, we were just having pizza.

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