Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Checking Off the List

As I was painting Baby Boy's room this weekend it crossed my mind that we are really crossing most of the items off the list. I can't recall the timing of all this before Amelia's birth. (Actually, I can't remember much before Amelia's birth. I think two years of limited sleep has erased my memory.) That said, it feels like we are ahead of the game a bit on some of the items. We are still 4 months out and we have painted the room, we have placed all the furniture where it is going, we have several articles of clothing, etc. So, going down the list it appears we are ready to have our baby. Oh yeah, that's right, we don't have a NAME. Oh well, we won't know what the hell to tell people to call him, but he'll be wearing nice clothes in his freshly painted blue room.

1 comment:

  1. as I told Leslie recently -- until you decide upon a name, I will commence to suggest some of the less common names for your alphabetical order. :)

    Disclaimer: you may have to fight Leslie for some of these winners!!

    Today is brought to you by the letter A, how do you feel about Aberforth Barber?
