Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Bad with the Good

This particular post isn't directed at any individual, but to an idea in and of itself. Since I have children, and particularly since I blog about said child(ren), I find it an incredible double standard for people to freely express their dislike and disinterest with parents who always talk about their children. I always see things such as "we get it, you have kids, you love your kids, that doesn't mean we have to". Well, here's the thing about that...you don't have to love my kids, but you do have to accept the fact that they are the most important thing in my life and thus will likely be the thing I talk about the most. Here's a secret for all the non-child having people I know...we don't really care about that cute thing your coworkers did, how your workout went, or that your cat jumped into the Christmas tree. But, we listen, or we pretend to listen while still thinking about a funny story about our kids, because we care about you and as such, we want to enjoy seeing you light up when you share the things that matter most to you. All we ask is that you understand we can't continue to talk about the same things forever...as our lives change, our conversations must change with them.

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