Thursday, January 12, 2012


We officially received word today that they have started the turkey timer on Everett. If he doesn't come on his own in the next week, Meggan will go in and be induced. With that in mind, I've been thinking about him constantly today.

I am so excited to have a son to pair up with my daughter.
Yet, I am so afraid for Meggan and I to make the switch from zone coverage where it is 2 vs. 1 to man-to-man coverage where it is 2 vs. 2.

I am so excited to show my children I love them differently, but equally.
Yet, I am so afraid they will use this love to equally wrap me around their little fingers.

I am so excited to see how Everett and Amelia grow to interact with each other.
Yet, I am so afraid Amelia will try to drag him around, color on his face, and stuff him under the couch like she does her baby dolls.

I am so excited to experience all the differences of raising a little boy.
Yet, I am so afraid I will forget the risks while changing his diaper and he'll pee on my forehead.

I am so excited to have a son I can groom to be the next Tim Tebow.
Yet, I am so afraid he'd rather be at ballet.

I am so excited to have a snitch to tell me if Amelia's does questionable things.
Yet, I am so afraid I'll find out things no father ever wants to know.

I am so excited to no longer be the only male in the house.
Yet, I am so afraid Everett will be one of those boys who plays with frogs.

I am so excited that I have just doubled my chances of having a child that goes to Harvard.
Yet, I am so afraid that I have just doubled my chances of having a child that goes to jail.

I am so excited to teach Everett everything I know about women.
Yet, I am so afraid I won't know what to do after that 4 minute conversation.

I am so excited to teach Everett everything I know about cars.
Yet, I am so afraid he'll realize I know less about cars than I do about women.

I am so excited to see the relationship between Meggan and Everett.
Yet, I am so afraid he'll tell me to go to work so Mommy can stay home like Amelia does.

I am so excited to teach him how to tie a tie.
Yet, I am so afraid I'll embarrass him at Boy Scouts when I can't tie a knot.

I am so excited to show him that being a man is about a lot more than being "manly".
Yet, I am so afraid that not being manly makes me very uncool to a 12 year-old.

I am so excited to teach him that genuineness and the law of large numbers will get him more girls than any carefully planned pick-up line.
Yet, I am so afraid there is some other dad out there teaching his son how to pick up Amelia one day.

I am so excited to teach him the right path in life - to become a Florida Gator.
Yet, I am so afraid he'll choose the dark side, such as Florida State, just to be different.

I am so excited to teach him to be a leader.
Yet, I am so afraid he'll be the kid other parents hate because he talked their kid into stealing something.

I am so excited to teach him to stand up to bullies.
Yet, I am so afraid he'll crack Amelia in her coconut one day.

I am so excited to teach him to shoot a jump shot.
Yet, I am so afraid I won't be able to handle the day he finally beats me in one on one.

I am ao excited to teach him to shoot a jump shot.
Yet, I am so afraid I'll have the 18 year-old who never got good enough to beat his 50 year-old dad at one on one.

I am so excited to teach him to hold doors and pull out chairs.
Yet, I am so afraid those ideals will be dead by the time he is old enough to employ them.

I am so excited to have the son every man wants.
Yet, I am so afraid I'll fall short of being the father that every boy deserves.

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