Monday, January 30, 2012


It has been mentioned to me on more than one occasion that I talk about poop too often on this blog. Well, guess what....this is a blog about a 2 year-old and a 10 button political issues don't come up as often as you'd think during my chats with them. Having said that, here is another post about poop.

On several nights since Everett was born, he has had a hard time doing his business. One trick we have found to be successful is to have me bend my knees and let him lean back on them while King Everett perches upon his royal throne. I patiently wait there until we hear the fruitful sound of him filling his diaper...which, by the way, sounds like somebody sitting on a Whoopee cushion that has been partially submerged in water. Afterwards, he is the happiest little guy around while I am left to contemplate the depths of my new role. I knew I'd have to assume many responsibilities as a father - teacher, chauffeur, protector, wrestler, chef. However, if you had asked me to name all the things I'd do for the happiness of my children, I'd have gotten pretty far down the list before I came to "pose as a human toilet".

1 comment:

  1. people have actually said that to you? because I personally feel as if you don't talk about poop nearly enough...I suspect we talk about it more in my office than you do on here. Keep it up!
