Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Do as I blog...

As parents, we run a phenomenal risk of being life's ultimate hypocrites. It certainly isn't our intention and most of us don't realize we do it. However, through the natural course of wanting so much more for our children than we ever had, it is overly simple to stretch beyond the limits of our own existence. This hypocrisy comes in many forms. We want them to eat better than we do. We chastise them for procrastinating on their homework when we did ours right before class started. We push them to stand up to bullies, challenge their fears, and never settle for second best while we often run for personal shelter. For the most part, anyone would agree this is just good parenting. This is setting standards and expectations to help children get the most out of life. It is easy to talk the talk. But, how many of us actually walk the walk? For the most part, I try my best to set an example for Mia. I go to sleep at night comfortable in my own integrity. I make an effort to work hard, be respectful of all I have, and to make the lives of others better. That said, I have much room for improvement. I hope Amelia takes a chance to follow her dreams, although I have predominantly chased stability. I want Amelia to get as much education as she possibly can, yet I still have not found my way back to graduate school. And perhaps, the most egregious example of all is my desire for Amelia to travel and see the world, while I sit at home, paralyzed by fear, with two flights under my belt in the last 12 years. So, I know I need to change. I know I have things to work on. I don't have a timetable and as of right now, I don't have a plan. However, I will figure out something. I have to. I don't believe in 'Do as I say and not as I do' and if I want Mia to do as I do, I have to be the example of the person I want her to be.

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