Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Ahhh, Mother's Day - behind Valentine's day, the second least creative day of the year for men. Why would I say this? Perhaps it is because of the hordes of men I saw today gazing at flowers and staring in unison at Hallmark shelves trying to decide if it would be okay to get their wives a fart joke card? I think it is great to celebrate mothers (it should be done on a regular basis) and I really don't have anything against flowers (nice surprise on a Tuesday, not a major holiday). I simply get bored at seeing the flock of men march into stores to purchase what they assume is the requisite flowers, candy, and cards. Nothing says "I love you, I know what makes you happy, and I appreciate all you do" like mindlessly buying the same crap year after year. Men, listen to me, you don't have to break the bank. You don't even have to blow her mind every year. All I am asking is that you make a damn effort. Lord only knows that not every gift I've given has been a hit, but at least they weren't bought on autopilot. Besides, if your gift ends up falling on its face, you can always rush out and buy flowers.

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