Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thiiiis close

Today, we decided to swing by Petsmart so Mia could see all the dogs they had up for adoption and then go across the street to split a cupcake. All in all, that is a pretty good Sunday. However, it was almost a more remarkable Sunday than normal. For the first time, I alllmost got sucked in by a cute yellow lab/golden retriever puppy. Meggan loves labradors and goldens and has always wanted us to have one. I, however, love them....but want everyone else to have them. Of course I can picture myself throwing a sweet puppy in the back of my jeep, heading to the beach, and letting it chase balls into the surf for hours. Luckily, before I fill out the adoption papers I remember that I don't have a jeep, don't live near the beach, and barely have time to play with the dog I have. Oh, and speaking of the dog I have, let's not forget that she makes it her life's goal to attempt to fight every other dog she comes in contact with - regardless of size. So, once factoring these things in with the limited desire to share my bed with yet ANOTHER dog, I can normally pass on the puppy adoptions. But, for some reason, today I was feeling weak. I legitimately considered adopting this puppy for the better part of an hour. Part of me still wishes I had adopted it. Of course, I'm pretty sure that part of me forgot what it's like to have a puppy in the house chewing anything it sees and pooping anywhere it wants. Besides, Sophie is still depressed about getting her hair shaved. This might have sent her on a downward spiral of no return.

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